In a previous post, the top Ayurvedic College in Haryana gives an overview of vitiligo treatment, their cause, symptoms, healing patterns, and tips to treat this skin disorder with Ayurvedic techniques. In today’s post, SKS Ayurvedic College – the best private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP attempts to give you a detailed insight into the three healing patterns of vitiligo treatment done by Ayurveda. Let’s have a look!
1st Pattern
During this process, re-pigmentation begins where patients will see small brownish spots on the affected portion of the skin. These brownish spots soon begin to spread over the white-spotted part, and start covering it with the patient’s normal skin tone and slowly disappear the witness.

2nd Pattern
Here, the melanin deposition gets darker on the margins of white spots. Worried? Don’t worry it’s just another medical term. Although, the melanin deposition observed during the second healing pattern will start clamping the affected area by the process of skin re-pigmentation. Your white spots start to look a bit like your normal skin.
3rd Pattern
It’s the final pattern where the area of the white patch looks pinkish, and the credit goes to the improved blood circulation. Along with this, melanocyte activates simultaneously which further helps this pinkish skin to get your normal skin tone.
As per the observations of the students studying at one of the best BAMS Ayurvedic Colleges in Rajasthan, some will start getting good results during the treatment while some will have to wait for more. It depends on the course of the patient’s spots. Therefore, all you need to do is convenience patient’s to have patience and follow your prescription carefully. In many cases, it’s observed that those patients who follow doctors’ prescribed special diet during their treatment witnessed good results on pigment restoration as compared to those who were only on medication.
For more tips and Ayurvedic treatments, don’t forget to follow the blog of the best private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP. For more details about admission in BAMS College in India, visit our official website now.