Summer is a season of heat and sunlight. According to Ayurveda, each season has its own rules for eating, depending on the body’s constitution and eating habits. If a person’s constitution is hot, they should avoid warm items of food like rotis (flatbread), dahl (lentils), rice and curds. Sun-heated food causes heat in your body. Overeating warm food can make you feel bloated, so the experts at the best ayurvedic hospital in Haryana recommend that one should eat early in the morning, at noon and after sunset.
Do you want to know more about the eating habits that you should follow during this summer season? If yes, stay tuned with us.
Pitta Season Eating Habits, Suggestion By the Best Ayurvedic Hospital in Haryana
- An Overview of Things to Eat
- An Overview of Things to Avoid

Let’s discuss these healthy tips in detail to know more about the tips for staying healthy during the pitta season.
What to Eat? Food to Consume During the Summer
Ancient Ayurveda texts mention several foods that are cool and beneficial. Many of these are seasonal, so they may not be available every day of the year, but they’re worth knowing. By eating cooling foods (including some fruits, root vegetables, and grains), you can create balance in your system and get relief from summer symptoms. Cool foods include
- Potatoes
- Cabbages
- Cauliflower
- Green Leafy Vegetables
- Cucumber Juice
- Cold Watermelon Juice
What Not to Eat? Avoid these Foods During the Summer
Eating the right amount of food at the right time is not just a matter of eating when you are hungry. Food has to be consumed with the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In Pitta Season, avoid overeating and drinking excessive liquids as these will cause much excess heat in the body, leading to more problems in summer.
- Avoid Overeating
- Avoid Sugary Drinks
- Avoid Chocolates
- Avoid Junk Food
Follow What the Best Ayurvedic Hospital in Haryana Suggest to Stay Healthy