Summer is here, and it is time to stay calm. In this season, the body tends to sweat more, which causes dehydration. A dehydrated body leads to tiredness and fatigue. The best BAMS college in Delhi NCR suggests some tips for staying cool in the summer season to avoid these problems.
Best BAMS College in Delhi NCR Offers Summer Cooling Tips
- Avoid Hot Foods, like sour fruits, red meat, and citrus food
- Eat Pitta Balancing Food, like watermelon, apples, cucumber
- Avoid Hot Drinks, resulting in fatigue and weakness
- Eat at the right time
- Sleep early and wake up early in the morning
Now, let’s talk about some of these practices in detail to help you understand the way you can enjoy the summer season.

Avoid Hot Foods, like sour fruits, red meat, and citrus food
The consumption of hot foods in summer increases the heat in the body. Avoid consuming sour fruits like grapes, apples, peaches, etc. They increase Pitta Dosha in the body. Red meat also increases Pitta Dosha in our bodies, and we should avoid eating it during the summer season.
Eat Pitta Balancing Food, like watermelon, apples, cucumber
An imbalance of Pitta Dosha causes many health problems such as inflammation, injury etc. To balance pitta dosha, we need to eat cooling food like watermelon, cucumber etc. These foods are rich in antioxidants that help maintain healthy skin in the summer season.
Follow These Top Tips to Enjoy the Summer Season
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